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Welcome to the sSCAN Hub survey. Thank you for taking 5 minutes to answer a few questions that will help us improve the user experience of the Hub for you and your colleagues.

The sub-Saharan African Congenital Anomalies Network (sSCAN) is a regional Congenital Anomalies (CA) surveillance network established to provide support for congenital anomaly surveillance and build capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa.

This survey consists of 9 questions and will take under 5 minutes to complete. 

Thank you in advance for your collaboration.

Please Note

The findings from this survey may be published in a report, a scientific journal and/or presented at a conference. Your identity will remain anonymous in all publications and presentations of the findings.

The information that you supply in response to this training evaluation will be treated in accordance with the University of Oxford's Data Protection policy. The data collected in this form will be stored securely and will be only accessed by The Global Health Network. For more information, please visit The Global Health Network Privacy Policy page. 

For any other queries please email

6.6. Which of the following best describes your affiliation? Required
7.7. Which of the following describes your role in CA surveillance, prevention and care (Tick all that apply): Required
8.8. Why are you interested in joining this network? (Tick all that apply) Required

Please select no more than 3 answer(s).

9.9. Specify whether your activities relate to: (Tick one) Required
10.10. Can we add your email to the network mailing list for updates on Network activities ? Required

If you are interested in joining the network, go to Register to the Network and then click on the Register Now button on the side. By registering you can contribute to our discussion forums and network events as well as make use of The Global Health Network's platform-wide research tools and courses.