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The Bodleian Libraries is seeking views on an idea to allow books kept in the Collection Storage Facility in Swindon (also known as the Book Storage Facility, shown on SOLO as ‘Bodleian Offsite Store’) to be borrowed by members of the University with borrowing rights.

At the moment, most of these books cannot be borrowed and must be read in one of the Bodleian Libraries’ Reading Rooms.

This survey is part of a review of the lending status of books, and the results will be reported alongside other information, including usage data and other sources of feedback. Any decision will be made by the Curators of the University Libraries (the governing body of the Bodleian Libraries).

The survey will take around 3 minutes. To try to ensure as broad engagement as possible by students, academics, researchers and external readers, all participants can choose to enter the Prize Draw for £100 voucher at the end of the survey.

Interviews and focus groups on this idea highlighted some common misunderstandings about this idea. Therefore, please note:

  • The idea does NOT include archives, manuscripts, rare books, maps or other materials that can only be consulted in the Weston Library.
  • The idea does NOT include non-lending books on the open shelves and stacks of the libraries.
  • The idea does NOT include books belonging to College or non-Bodleian departmental libraries.

For any questions about this survey, or the listening exercise in general, please contact Dr Frankie Wilson, Head of Assessment, Bodleian Libraries (

About you

We need this information to determine if there are differences in responses from different groups.

Your feelings about the idea

The idea is to allow books stored at the Bodleian Offsite Store that are currently only for use in the Reading Rooms to be borrowed (taken away from the library) by members of the University with borrowing rights. What are your feelings about the idea? Required